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Popular Vanguard Party
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The People's Vanguard Party, or Popular Vanguard Party (in Spanish: Partido Vanguardia Popular) is a communist party in Costa Rica. PVP was founded in 1931 as the Communist Party of Costa Rica (Partido Comunista de Costa Rica).

PVP publishes El Popular.Contents [hide]
1 History
2 See also
3 References
4 External links


In 1943 the party was renamed as PVP, in order to facilitate its alliance with the Catholic church and the government, whose reformist policies the party supported.[1]

In 1949 the party was illegalized. It militants began working under the name 'Partido Accin Socialista Obrera'.[2]

In the mid 1960s the U.S. State Department estimated the party membership to be approximately 300.[3]

In 1970, the party again could contest elections.[2]

In 1984, a severe internal crisis appeared in the party. At the 14th party congress, two of the party MPs, Arnoldo Ferreto Segura and Humberto Vargas Carbonell took over the party leadership and deposed Mora (who had led the party since 1934). Mora's followers continued to use the name PVP, thus there were to parties with the same name. In 1984 Mora's party took the name Costa Rican People's Party.[2]
Costa Rican People's Party
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Costa Rican People's Party (in Spanish: Partido del Pueblo Costarricense, abbreviated as PPC) is a communist party in Costa Rica. PPC was founded in April 1985 by a faction of the Popular Vanguard Party that had split in March 1984. Its founder was Eduardo Mora Valverde.

Its current leader is Pablo Morales Rivera.

PPC publishes Libertad.