League of Communists of Slovenia
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The League of Communists of Slovenia was the Slovenian branch of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia, the sole legal party of Yugoslavia from 1945 to 1989. Under a new constitution ratified in 1974, greater power was devolved to the various republic level branches.
In 1989 Slovenia passed amendments to its constitution that asserted its sovereignty over the federation and its right to secede. These amendments were bitterly opposed by the leadership of Serbia under Slobodan Miloevi. On January 23, 1990, the Slovene delegation, headed by Milan Kuan, left the Party Congress of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia, leading to the collapse of the all-Yugoslav party. Shortly thereafter, the League of Communists of Slovenia changed its name to the Party of Democratic Reform. Its legal successor is currently ruling Slovenian party Socialni Demokrati.
Secretaries of the Central Committee of the League of Communists
Franc Leskoek (1943 - 1948)
Miha Marinko (1948 - 1966)
Albert Jakopic (1966 - 1968)
Franc Popit (Mar 1969 - Apr 1982)
Andrej Marinc (Apr 1982 - May 1986)
Milan Kuan (May 1986 - 1990)
Other influential leaders
Edvard Kardelj
Boris Kidri
Stane Dolanc
Sergej Kraigher
Boris Kraigher
Miha Marinko
Mitja Ribii
Ivan Maek
Preihov Voranc
Dragotin Gustini
Stane Kavi