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« : 01/07/09 , 01:06:28 »

Annahj Addimocrati
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Annahj Addimocrati (Arabic:  , 'Democratic way') in Arabic) is a Marxist political movement, not recognized officially by the Moroccan government.

Constituted in 1995, it is the continuation of the Marxist-Leninist Moroccan Movement (MLMM) and mainly of its principal component: the organization "Ila Al Amame" (Ahead), which militated clandestinely.

The MMLM, born at the beginning of the 1970s, was victim of a blind repression of the Capacity, thousands of militants were imprisoned (ten years of prisons for the majority), others died in the centers of torture (whose Abdellatif Zeroual, one of the founders of Ila Al Amame) or during the hunger strikes started in prison in order to take advantage of their rights (Sada Menebhi for example), or of others disappeared without the truth on their fate being known to date.

The militants of the Democratic Way are present in the two principal trade unions in Morocco (Moroccan Union of the Workers - UMT, and Democratic Confederation of Work - CDT), as well as principal associations of the civil company: the Moroccan Association of the Human Rights, Attac-Morocco, the National Association of the Graduates Unemployeds in Morocco (ANDCM), the movement of the women,…

The first congress of the Democratic Way was held the 16, 17 and July 18, 2004, whereas that of the youth of the Democratic Way ("Chabibat Annahj Addimocrati") was held the 22, 23 and December 24, 2006. The national secretary of Annahj Addimocrati is Abdellah El Harif.