Communist Party (Flanders)
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(Redirected from Kommunistische Partij)Communist Party
Kommunistische Partij
Leader Jaak Perquy
Founded 1989
Headquarters Brussels, Belgium
Ideology Communism,
International affiliation None
European affiliation PEL
Official colours Red
http://www.kp-online.beThe Communist Party (in Dutch: Kommunistische Partij, often abbreviated KP) is a political party in Flanders, Belgium. It was founded in 1989 in the aftermath of the split of the Communist Party of Belgium along linguistic lines. The political secretary of the KP is Jaak Perquy.
The KP publishes a newspaper, Agora. The youth wing evolved into Graffiti Jeugddienst[1], an apolitical youth association, in the early 1990s. Later another youth wing, Jong-KP, was established.
Communist Party (Wallonia)
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(Redirected from Parti Communiste (Belgium))
Communist Party (in French: Parti Communiste) is a political party in Wallonia, Belgium. PC was founded in 1989 as the Communist Party of Belgium was bifurcated along linguistic lines. The president of PC is Pierre Beauvois.
PC publishes Le Drapeau Rouge and Mouvements.
It is part of the Party of the European Left.
Workers Party of Belgium
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The Belgian Workers Party is also sometimes used as the name of the Belgian Labour Party that existed prior to World War II (when it was re-founded as the Belgian Socialist Party) and that after the foundation of the Comintern was faced with a dissident faction out of which arose the Communist Party of Belgium. Neither should this party be confused with the social-democratic Partij van de Arbeid in the Netherlands.
The Workers' Party of Belgium (WPB) (Dutch: Partij van de Arbeid, French: Parti du Travail de Belgique) is a Belgian communist party. It is one of the few parties that operates as a single Belgian party. Most other Belgian parties are either Flemish or Francophone. The WPB has no seats in the Belgian parliament, having usually won no more than 1% in elections (last time 0.84%, 56,167 votes).
The WPB hosts the International Communist Seminar, which in recent years has become the one of the main worldwide gatherings of communist parties.
The Workers' Party of Belgium originated in the student movement at the end of the 1960s. Radicalized students (organized in the student union SVB - Studenten VakBeweging), mainly from the Catholic University of Leuven, turned towards the working-class movement. They considered the politics of the existing Communist Party of Belgium revisionist, i.e. too much turned toward the social-democratic politics (represented in Belgium by the Belgian Socialist Party). They were influenced by the ideas of the Communist Party of China, guerrilla movements in Latin America, the movement against the Vietnam War, and the Leuven-Vlaams movement, all perceived as aspects of a worldwide struggle against colonial or neocolonial oppression and for civil or workers' rights.
Their support and participation in an important strike in the coalmines turned the movement into a political party. They founded a periodical, AMADA (Alle Macht Aan De Arbeiders - all power to the workers), which became the first name of their party. In 1979 the first congress was held, which adopted a Maoist programme and changed the name into PVDA-PTB. Ludo Martens became the first president, and is still considered the most important ideologist of the party. A notable observer at the first congress of the WPB was Laurent Kabila, who later took power in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, naming himself president.
In recent years, the Communist Party of Belgium has virtually disappeared, leaving the Workers' Party of Belgium as the biggest communist party in Belgium. The weekly paper "Solidair / Solidaire" has some influence in the trade-union movement in Belgium.
The party formed an electoral coalition in Flanders with the Arab European League for the 2003 elections, named RESIST, running a campaign that also called for the establishment of Islamic confessional schools for children, which would be financed by the government. After poor results, the AEL left the coalition to found the Moslim Democratische Partij.