Proletarian Communist Party of Cte d'Ivoire (in French: Parti Communiste Proletarien de Cte d'Ivoire) is a clandestine communist party in Cte d'Ivoire.
PCPCI opposes French military presence in the country.
The Revolutionary Communist Party of the Ivory Coast (French: Parti Communiste Rvolutionnaire de Cte d'Ivoire, PCRCI) is a communist party in Cte d'Ivoire.
Internationally, it participates in the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations, an international network of Communist parties that uphold the line of Enver Hoxha and the Albanian Party of Labour. As such, it is staunchly anti-revisionist.
Its official paper is the Rvolution Proltarienne and from 1990, it has been led by led by Achy Ekissi.
Its youth wing is the Jeunesse Communiste de Cte d'Ivoire.
Communist Youth of Cte d'Ivoire (Jeunesse Communiste de Cte d'Ivoire), a political youth movement in Cte d'Ivoire. JCOCI is the youth wing of the Revolutionary Communist Party of Cte d'Ivoire.
On June 24, 2004 the General Secretary of JCOCI, Habib Dodo, was murdered by Student Federation of Cte d'Ivoire activists [1][2].