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« : 01/07/09 , 00:28:49 »

Communist Party of the Philippines
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the party re-founded by Jos Mara Sison. For the original Communist Party of the Philippines founded in 1930, see PKP-1930.Communist Party of the Philippines
Founded   1968
Headquarters   Utrecht, Netherlands
Ideology   Communism
International affiliation   International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations
Official colors   Red

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The Communist Party of the Philippines (in Filipino: Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas) is the leading communist party in the Philippines. The party was formed in a remote barangay in Alaminos, Pangasinan on December 26, 1968[1], following a split from the Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas. The party was founded by Jose Maria Sison, who confirmed its birth at Barangay Dulacac in the tri-boundary of Alaminos, Bani and Mabini in the province of Pangasinan. This is where the CPP "congress of reestablishment" was held on December 26, 1968, at a hut near the house of the Navarettes, the parents-in-law of Arthur Garcia, one of the CPP founders.[2]Sison announced that communist guerillas held "cultural activities" and celebrated the 39th anniversary of the movement.[3]On December 26, 2007, the Communist Party of the Philippines commemorated its 39th anniversary.

CPP is ideologically Maoist and has been fighting a "protracted people's war" through its armed wing, the New People's Army since 1969. It participates in the Maoist International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations. It heads the broad revolutionary front organization, the National Democratic Front.

The Communist Party of the Philippines, Marxist-Leninist/Mao Tse-tung Thought, is a revolutionary proletarian party that looks upon the legacies of past Philippine rebellions and revolutions and of the theories of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Zedong. It assists the progress of theory and practice in the world proletarian revolution that is guided by Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought (Preamble, Constitution of the Communist Party of the Philippines, 1968)[4].“   So long as it resolutely, militantly and thoroughly carries out its ideological, political and organizational building, the Communist Party of the Philippines is certain to lead the broad masses of the Filipino people of various nationalities and ethno-linguistic communities to total victory in the national democratic revolution against US imperialism and the local reactionaries; and bring about the start of the socialist revolution.   ”

—Armando Liwanag, Chairman, Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines

CPP is considered a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the United States Government.[5]Contents [hide]
1 Amnesty Proclamation
2 2008 Prediction of PGMA downfall
3 References
4 External links

Amnesty Proclamation

On September 5, 2007, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo signed Amnesty Proclamation 1377 for members of the Communist Party of the Philippines and its armed wing, the New People's Army; other communist rebel groups; and their umbrella organization, the National Democratic Front. The amnesty will cover the crime of rebellion and all other crimes "in pursuit of political beliefs," but not including crimes against chastity, rape, torture, kidnapping for ransom, use and trafficking of illegal drugs and other crimes for personal ends and violations of international law or convention and protocols "even if alleged to have been committed in pursuit of political beliefs." The National Committee on Social Integration (NCSI) will issue a Certificate of Amnesty to qualified applicants. Implementing rules and regulations are being drafted and the decree will be submitted to the Senate of the Philippines and the House of Representatives of the Philippines for their concurrence. The proclamation becomes effective only after Congress has concurred.[6]

On January, 2008, Avelino Razon, Philippine National Police chief stated that the New People's Army (NPA) rebels have only 5,700 members as of 2007 due to military destruction of 13 guerrilla bases (lowest level in 20 years). NPAs fought in 69 of 81 Philippine provinces since 1969. 40,000 people have died in the conflict.[7]

2008 Prediction of PGMA downfall

On January 18, 2008, (in the Netherlands), Jose Maria Sison, Communist Party of the Philippines leader, predicted the downfall and failure to finish the term of the 14th President of the Philippines: “She [Arroyo] can fix the Constitution so she could stay on beyond 2010. But it remains to be seen if she can stay on and end her administration by 2010.” Sison submitted the reasons, to wit: "the mass organizations of the national democratic movement, the opposition parties, factions within the military and police organizations, among others, would try their best to wrest power from Mrs. Arroyo before her term ends."
Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas-1930
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Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas-1930
Founded   1930
Ideology   Communism
International affiliation   None (Formerly Comintern)
Official colors   Red

The original Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas (Filipino for 'Communist Party of the Philippines') was established on November 7, 1930, and it is now often called PKP-1930 to separate it from its far more known splinter-group, the Communist Party of the Philippines.Contents [hide]
1 History
1.1 Resistance against Japan and the United States
1.2 Split
2 References
3 References


The party was established on November 7, 1930 (the anniversary of the October Revolution). The founders of PKP came out of the Progressive Workers Party, which had been established in the 1920s. The PKP was initially headed by Crisanto Evangelista. On October 26, 1932 the PKP was banned by the Philippine Supreme Court, in which five of the nine judges were American. This caused the PKP to go underground. In late 1932, a legal Marxist party, the Socialist Party, was created. In 1935 PKP was accepted into the Comintern. In 1937 the PKP was legalized again, under the commonwealth in response to the growing threat of fascism in Germany and militarist Japan. And in 1938 the Socialist Party was merged into the PKP. The PKP participated in a Popular Front for municipal elections in 1940, which did well on the island of Luzon, where six communist mayors were elected.

Resistance against Japan and the United States

During World War II the PKP helped organize the fight against the Japanese invasion. Under PKP leadership, the Hukbalahap (People's Army against Japan) was created in 1942. The Hukbalahap carried on a struggle against the Japanese occupation for the next three years. After the end of Japanese occupation, the PKP found itself in a considerably strengthened position in the working class and peasant movements. The Congress of Labor Organizations was created in July 1945 under PKP management. In 1946 PKP participated in the presidential elections within the Democratic Alliance. The increasing influence of the PKP in the struggle for national independence was met with a reaction by the US and its mostly wealthy allies in the Philippines. The PKP was repressed, as were other mass worker and peasant organizations.

In 1948, the PKP began an armed struggle against the government. The party was banned that year. In early 1950, the PKP created the People's Liberation Army (Hukbong Mapagpalaya ng Bayan) which was made up of about 10,000 soldiers. In October 1950, the entire secretariat of the Central Committee of the PKP was arrested, including General Secretary Jose Lava (and would remain in prison for the next two decades).

In the course of the armed struggle, PKP and the People's Liberation Army sustained large losses. By the end of 1954 the armed struggle was effectively over, although it took a few more years to die out, after which the PKP pursued a course of peaceful (legal and illegal) action. Although they created another guerilla force similar to the Hukbong Mapagpalaya ng Bayan, known as the Bagong Hukbong Mapagpalaya ng Bayan; more commonly known as the Army ng Bayan, under Pedro Taruc and Sumulong.


What was left of PKP worked from the underground to rebuild itself and affiliated organizations.

In 1964, Jos Mara Sison founded the Kabataang Makabayan (Patriotic Youth). This organization rallied Filipino youth against the Vietnam war, against the Marcos presidency and corrupt politicians. On December 26, 1968, he formed and chaired the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), an organization within the Communist Party founded on Marxist-Leninist-Mao Zedong Thought, stemming from his experience as a youth leader and labor and land reform activist. This is known as the First Great Rectification movement where Sison and other radical youth criticized the existing Party leadership and failure. The reformed CPP included Maoism with the political line as well as the struggle for a National Democratic two-stage revolution, constituting a National Democratic Revolution through a Protracted Peoples War as its first part, and to be followed by a Socialist Revolution. On December 26, 2007, the Communist Party of the Philippines commemorated its 39th anniversary. Jose Maria Sison confirmed its birth, at Barangay Dulacac at the tri-boundary of Alaminos, Bani and Mabini, Pangasinan, where the CPP "congress of reestablishment" was held on December 26, 1968, exactly at a hut near the house of the Navarettes, the parents-in-law of Arthur Garcia, one of the CPP founders.[1]Sison announced that communist guerillas held "cultural activities" and celebrated the 39th anniversary of the movement.[2]

Soon after this, the leadership of the PKP sought to eliminate and marginalize Sison. However, the reorganized CPP had a larger base and renewed political line that attracted thousands to join its ranks.[citation needed] The old leadership and its followers was pro-Soviet, while the other, mostly younger faction was oriented towards Maoism. On December 26, 1968, the Maoist faction announced it was re-establishing the Communist Party of the Philippines. Over time the Maoist party has come to eclipse the pro-Soviet remnants of the party, which is now commonly referred to as PKP-1930.

The PKP-1930 survived the martial law as pro-government supporters, after being pardoned by President Ferdinand Marcos. Supporting the government for land reform, attempt for Land Collectivization, and the "Democratic revolution from the center" Envisioned by Marcos during the Martial law era. The Maoist faction, led by Jose Maria Sison, continued to fight until today. As of now, PKP-1930 is a minor party and is led by Pedro P. Baguisa. PKP-1930 publishes Ang Komunista.


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Re: Филиппины
« Ответ #1 : 19/11/12 , 18:02:45 »

Коммунистическая партия Филиппин (КПФ), существующая с 1968 года, считает своей  теоретической базой марксизм-ленинизм-маоизм. КПФ  организовала Новую народную армию, ведущую революционную вооруженную борьбу в деревне. 18 октября 2012 года КПФ выступила с Заявлением в связи с перспективами мирных переговоров между правительством Филиппин и Национальным Демократическим Фронтом Филиппин (НДФФ), созданным КПФ. В своём первом после прихода к власти в 2010 году выступлении в Конгрессе Президент Филиппин Бенигно Акино настаивал на том, что революционные силы должны прекратить огонь в качестве предпосылки для мирных переговоров, утверждая, что без этого дискуссии не могут двигаться вперед. НДФФ в качестве жеста доброй воли и для подтверждения своей готовности к мирным переговорам объявил об одностороннем 19-дневном прекращении огня в конце 2010 года. Однако, уже в условиях прекращения огня вооруженные силы арестовали консультанта НДФФ в Минданао Педро Кодасте, нарушив тем самым не только режим прекращения огня, но и Соглашение о безопасности и гарантиях иммунитета. Этот эпизод оказался лишь первым в цепочке арестов, которые стали проводиться под прикрытием мирных переговоров. КПФ считает, что аресты и задержания направлены на срыв мирных переговоров, поскольку власти прекрасно понимают, что переговоры не могут быть официально возобновлены в таких условиях. Режим занят войной подавления в соответствии с приказом Акино об уничтожении НДФФ в течение трех лет, а не серьезными мирными переговорами. В сельской местности усиливается милитаризация, вводится военный стиль оккупации гражданских общин, контроль населения и продовольственная блокада. Людей, обвиняемых в активном участии в вооруженном сопротивлении, уничтожают вместе с семьями. Более ста активистов были казнены вооруженными силами и военизированными отрядами. Более четверти из, по крайней мере, 400 политических заключенных, арестованы уже режимом Акино. КПФ подчеркивает, под прикрытием риторики Акино о мире и правах человека, масштабы их нарушений мало отличаются от действий предыдущих режимов. С другой стороны, КПФ  решительно осуждает планы властей предоставить США возможность использования базы Субик, как это было до 1991 года. Правительство США стремится сохранить Филиппины в качестве одного из своих ключевых военных форпостов в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе. Военные США стремятся получить доступ к филиппинским  морским портам  и аэропортам  для использования  их в качестве станций для ремонта и снабжения и обеспечения отдыха и оздоровления своих войск. Сохранением своего военного присутствия США стремятся упредить рост потенциальных военных противников, таких как Китай и Япония, хотя они по-прежнему считают их стратегическими экономическими партнерами.


Оффлайн Админ

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Re: Филиппины
« Ответ #2 : 23/08/15 , 09:50:46 »

Манила, Филиппины, 1 мая 2014 г.