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Socialist Labour Party of Croatia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Socialist Labour Party of Croatia

Leader   Ivan Pljea
Founded   1997
Headquarters   Zagreb
Ideology   Socialism, Communism
International affiliation   none

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Socialist Labour Party of Croatia (Croatian: Socijalistika radnika partija Hrvatske, also translated Socialist Workers' Party) is a leftist Croatian political party with no parliamentary representation. It is often considered to be the leftmost of registered parties in Croatian politics[1][2].Contents [hide]
1 Ideology
2 Publications
3 History
4 Foreign relations
5 Miscellaneous
6 Party officials
7 See also
8 References
9 External links


In theory, the Party is the meeting point of many different leftist ideologies[3][4].

The Party emphasizes the importance of worker self-management and participatory democracy[4].

Defending the good name of Yugoslav resistance movement during the World War II is also one of the key issues[4].

The Party also considers the war in the Nineties to be a civil war rather than a “Homeland war” which is a unique position among parties in Croatia.


The official paper is called Croatian: Novosti s ljevice (News from the Left).

Party organization in Split publishes its own paper - Croatian: Gariful (The Carnation).


The Party was formed in 1997 by a group of leftists gathered around the newspaper Hrvatska ljevica (Croatian Left) and its chief editor Stipe uvar. SLP filled a hole on Croatian political left after Social Democratic Union lost influence and members and Social Democratic Action moved more to the center.

Fist elections it contested in were the parliamentary elections 2000. It got 18,863 votes (0.66%)[5].

After the elections, a group of members from the Socialist Youth (Croatia), the Party youth wing, left to form Green Left of Croatia.

In local elections in 2001, SLP managed to win some seats in smaller, ethnically mixed communities, such as Daruvar, Donji Lapac, Vrhovine etc[6].

The party contested again in parliamentary elections 2003 and got 15,515 votes (0,59%)[7].

In 2004 Stipe uvar resigned as Party President and Ivan Pljea was elected the new President[8].

Shortly after, a minority of members left to form Socialist Party of Croatia - Left Alternative, mostly due to personal disputes. The activist core, including the youth wing and the entire editorial board of Hrvatska ljevica (which worked beside the late Stipe uvar) is still a part of the SLP.

On last local elections in 2005, SLP formed a joint list with Social Democratic Union, New Alternative Party - Green Movement, Green Left of Croatia and Green Party but did not win any seats in local or regional Assemblies, although it came close in a few bigger towns (like ibenik, Rijeka and Pula)[9].

For 2007 elections it formed an alliance with Left of Croatia[10]. The alliance got 9 884 votes (0.4%)[11].

Foreign relations

The Party attended several International Communist Seminars[12][13] hosted by the Workers' Party of Belgium and International Conference of Communist & Workers' Parties. It also contains a group called Workers' Struggle (Radnika borba) that is close to the reunified Fourth International[14].

Socialist Labour Party was also the name of the first communist party in Yugoslavia.

Party officials
President: Ivan Pljea

Оффлайн Vuntean

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Re: Хорватия
« Ответ #1 : 28/11/11 , 15:34:16 »
Умер последний премьер-министр Югославии

В Хорватии в возрасте 87 лет скончался бывший президент социалистической республики Хорватия и последний премьер-министр Югославии Анте Маркович, сообщает Associated Press.

Маркович родился 25 ноября 1924 года в Коньице, в 1954 году закончил университет Загреба. В 1986 году Анте Маркович стал седьмым президентом социалистической Хорватии, покинув этот пост в 1988 году.

Премьер-министром Югославии Анте Маркович был назначен в 1989 году. За два года своего премьерства хорватский политик стал инициатором ряда экономических реформ, включая стабилизацию национальной валюты, приватизацию и частичную либерализацию торговли. Несмотря на усилия Марковича, реформы привели к существенному промышленному спаду в стране. К 1990 году ВВП упал на 7,5 процента, а год спустя - еще на 15 процентов.

Как отмечает АР, на посту главы правительства Анте Маркович также пытался найти компромисс между Словенией, Хорватией, Боснией и Сербией, чтобы предотвратить распад объединенного государства. Однако и эти усилия премьера оказались напрасными.

В 1990-е Анте Маркович ушел из политики в бизнес, а с начала 2000-х годов стал экономическим советником при правительстве бывшей югославской республики Македония.
